So long China. You've been beautiful and ugly, frustrating and funny, welcoming and rude, delicious and disgusting, full of peaceful roads and noisy red construction trucks; often all in the same day!After 59 days and nearly 3000km of pedalling in China, we were more than ready for a change. We leave you with a video … Continue reading China UPs and DOWNs
Month: April 2020
A border dash with a hiccup
From Shangri-La our plans were dictated by the number of days remaining on our Chinese visa (and also our desire to meet our favourite cycling Dutchies in time for Christmas =)). We had more than 1000km to cover in just over 14 days. Given that the terrain was relatively flat (in comparison to our previous … Continue reading A border dash with a hiccup
White snow, grey yaks, green valleys and multicoloured flags
It took us over a month to cycle from Lanzhou to Shangri-la on the Tibetan Plateau. We experienced a crazy range of elements and landscapes: from the white snow cold in the high mountains to the autumnal green valleys and steep bare rocky gorges… And a lot of prayer flags, prayer wheels and smiley amazing … Continue reading White snow, grey yaks, green valleys and multicoloured flags
Tibetan Plateau
A few days after heading away from Lanzhou it soon become clear that we were gradually entering a different region. Signs started having not only Chinese characters, but also Tibetan script. On the horizon a few golden roofs of a temple or a stupa began to pop up. A few colorful flags dancing in the … Continue reading Tibetan Plateau