We entered Vietnam in a need for a change. A change of scenario, and most importantly a change of climate. It was nothing inparticular against Laos, but simply the accumulation of more than a month of hot, dry and dusty landscapes. Vietnam promised green scenery, a sea cooled climate, and on top of that, a … Continue reading Back to the green 🙂
Author: Pedro Vicente
Corruption, pyjamas, dust and a lot of sugar cane
Us and Cambodia didn't have the best of starts... We hadn't even officially set foot in the country and we were already having a bit of a fall out.... For most EU citizens there are two visa options you can choose from: apply for an e-visa beforehand or to show up at the border and … Continue reading Corruption, pyjamas, dust and a lot of sugar cane
Half way around the world till Laos
As interesting a time we might have had in China, by the time we left we were more than ready for a change. That change however didn't quite come straight away. We crossed the border and... well things seemed a bit the same for a while. The same red construction trucks and the same big … Continue reading Half way around the world till Laos
China UPs and DOWNs
So long China. You've been beautiful and ugly, frustrating and funny, welcoming and rude, delicious and disgusting, full of peaceful roads and noisy red construction trucks; often all in the same day!After 59 days and nearly 3000km of pedalling in China, we were more than ready for a change. We leave you with a video … Continue reading China UPs and DOWNs
White snow, grey yaks, green valleys and multicoloured flags
It took us over a month to cycle from Lanzhou to Shangri-la on the Tibetan Plateau. We experienced a crazy range of elements and landscapes: from the white snow cold in the high mountains to the autumnal green valleys and steep bare rocky gorges… And a lot of prayer flags, prayer wheels and smiley amazing … Continue reading White snow, grey yaks, green valleys and multicoloured flags
Tibetan Plateau
A few days after heading away from Lanzhou it soon become clear that we were gradually entering a different region. Signs started having not only Chinese characters, but also Tibetan script. On the horizon a few golden roofs of a temple or a stupa began to pop up. A few colorful flags dancing in the … Continue reading Tibetan Plateau
Steppe-ing through Kazakhstan
After our gravel and washboard excursions in Kyrgyzstan, as amazing as they might have been, we were dreaming and looking forward to the tarmac roads of Kazhakistan. However, contrary to expectations, the tarmac, took some time to come. We thought as soon as we crossed the border the road would automatically improve and change to … Continue reading Steppe-ing through Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan – bumpy but beautiful
It was hard to fit all of the experiences we had in Kyrgyzstan in a short video, but we gave it our best shot. Kyrgyzstan definitely deserves it!We had an amazing time cycling there. From lush green farm fields, to bare and desert mountain landscapes. From snow blizzards in our faces to summer swims in … Continue reading Kyrgyzstan – bumpy but beautiful
A day in the life in the Pamir
After almost 3 weeks on the road together, in Osh we said farewell to our slow cycling, gourmet dinner dreaming, salt lake swimming, cow poo fire building, snicker eating buddies: Mari and Eva @12brakeblocks, as we head to similar destinations but through different paths… While we are back in the Pamir they made a day … Continue reading A day in the life in the Pamir
Kyrgyzstan – a little detour to a big mountain
As soon as we crossed the border into Kyrgyzstan, it seemed the landscape changed immediately. Green rolling hills started to appear, and trees!! We hadn't really realised quite how much we had missed seeing trees! It was as if the simple image of a tree in our minds brought a comforting feeling. We zoomed down … Continue reading Kyrgyzstan – a little detour to a big mountain