Inspired by the Museum of Innocence that we visited in Istanbul this post will structured in small chapters… Istanbul? We should go there… Or should we? Somehow, even though we always avoid big cities, much preferring to cycle through villages and mountains in the countryside, we both had in our minds that we should visit … Continue reading Crossing continents
Month: March 2019
Back on the road – so long Europe!
After 6 weeks of hibernation, filled with knitting and crafting and tipi constructing, along with not doing much at all besides sitting next to the wood stove, we finally waved good-bye to Kromidovo, it's wonderful eco-camp and friendly hosts. We pedaled off in good spirits. Happy to be back on the road and rolling once … Continue reading Back on the road – so long Europe!
Hibernation (more entertaining with the sound on!!) Christmas and New year was celebrated in Thessaloniki in the company of the increasingly nomadic Crowley's. The joy of having daily access to an oven and heated house was not under appreciated. However Greece continued to defy the odds and for half of the festive period, Thessaloniki was … Continue reading Hibernation